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Alpha Course
What is Alpha?
Alpha is a series of group conversations that freely explore the basics of the Christian faith in an open, friendly environment. Everyone’s welcome. No matter your background or beliefs, you’re invited.
Alpha runs all across the UK in person and online.
Life is better together. Alpha brings together people from all walks of life who are curious about faith. Each session starts with some time to eat, relax and get to know your group.
Each session covers a different topic of faith, either in a short talk or video. The Alpha episodes are designed to engage and inspire conversation. They’re about thirty minutes long and explore the big issues around faith and unpack the basics of Christianity, addressing questions such as Who is Jesus?, How can we have faith? and How does God guide us?
The last part of an Alpha is a chance to share your thoughts on the session’s topic and discuss it in your small groups. It’s an open and welcoming environment, no matter what your opinion. There’s no pressure to say anything, but the floor is yours if you do want to.
Who is Alpha for?
Alpha is for everyone, no matter your background or beliefs. Whether you’re new to exploring faith or simply open-minded about it all, Alpha is for you. We all bring different thoughts to the table, and at Alpha we want to create a space that’s open for everyone to find what faith means for them.
What happens at Alpha?
Every Alpha is different, but generally they have three things in common: food, a talk and conversation. Food – Most sessions start with food, because it’s a great way to connect and get to know everyone there. Talk – The talks explore the basics of the Christian faith and are designed to inspire conversation. Usually around thirty minutes long, they can be given as a live talk or played as an episode. Conversation – There is a discussion after the talk where you can share your thoughts and ideas on the session’s topic. You can say anything you like, or nothing at all. It’s your Alpha, on your terms.
What topics does Alpha cover?
Alpha is a space to explore different parts of the Christian faith in a relaxed and friendly environment. Each session covers a different topic, like prayer, the bible, who Jesus is and loads more.
Then there’s plenty of time to chat about what you think. Each group has a leader to help guide the conversation. There’s never pressure to share your thoughts, but the floor is yours if you do want to say something.
How much does Alpha cost?
It’s free! And there’s no follow-up and never any pressure to come back.
Sign up for our Alpha course.
Our last Alpha course was run by Rev Paul Carey-Slater and Rev Sherine Angus over thirteen weeks on Thursday evenings at 7:00 pm from May 2024. Our next course has not been confirmed yet, but you can pre-register your interest using the link below.
The course venue will rotate between All Saints Church Holbeach, St Mary Magdalene Church Gedney, and St Matthew Church Sutton Bridge.
The course is an ideal way to explore faith and have the opportunity to ask questions and learn more. Each session will include a meal, a short video, and a talk, followed by plenty of time for discussion. All are welcome to attend.
If you would like more information, please speak to Sherine or Paul.
Click Here to Pre-Register Now
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