
(Deanery Confirmation Service 2024)

At Confirmation, the Bishop lays his hands on, and anoints with oil, those who have been Baptised, so that they may be strengthened (confirmed) in their Christian life by the gift of the Holy Spirit.

At All Saints, adults who wish to be Baptised are encouraged to be Confirmed as well. This is usually performed by the Bishop at a single service.

there is normally one Confirmation service each year at a church in our deanery.

Who can be Confirmed?

Anyone over the age of eleven, who has been Baptised or wishes to be Baptised, and who has been prepared for Confirmation in their local church can be confirmed. At All Saints, we have a history of confirming more adults than children. This is because we find that many people come back to the church in later life due to bereavement or another life change or due to a crisis of faith and want to explore their faith as an adult and make a commitment that they may not have been ready or willing to make earlier on in their lives.

How can I be prepared for Confirmation?

Most years we will offer a course of preparation (6-8 sessions long) for both adults and young people.

During this time you might decide that you are not yet ready for this step, and so joining a preparation group does not imply a final commitment.

How can I find out more?

Please contact – Revd Sherine Angus on 01406 426646

(Deanery Confirmation Service 2023)

Gallery of images from previous Confirmation Services
Please click on any image to view full-size slideshow.

The Last Supper
Considering the Eucharist
At the Font for the Baptism of Dennis
Reading of Testimonials by Sara & Kevin
Neil & Sara Confirmed by Bishop Nicholas
Some of the adult candidates with Bishop Nicholas