Community Outreach

It is part of our Church mission to support the local community by helping to promote a town in which everyone can flourish, and where people can discover the extravagant love of God.

We run and support numerous events, groups and offer Pastoral care to anyone in need. These are detailed on the community pages in the menu above, so please explore this section.

The Holbeach Community Larder & Cafe which operates on a Wednesday & Friday every week is supported by the Church and many other volunteers and organisations.


Care Homes

Within our parish, we are blessed to support five Care Homes and a Cottage Hospital. Our Ministry Team visits each location monthly to offer a short, meaningful service that includes hymns, a reading, and a reflection. For residents who wish, we are also able to provide Holy Communion individually.

Below, you’ll find the guide for scheduled service dates. However, we recommend checking our calendar for any changes, as dates may occasionally be adjusted to accommodate the needs of the Care Homes.

Patchett Lodge – 2:00 pm on the first Tuesday of the month

Nutten Stoven – 2:00 pm on the second Tuesday of the month

Holbeach Hospital – 2:00 pm on the second Thursday of the month

Mayfield – 2:00 pm on the third Tuesday of the month

Beech Lodge – No services at present by request of the home

Holbeach Meadows – 2:00 pm on the 4th or 5th Tuesday (Not every month)

In August, our Care Home Service is held in church; for 2025 this will be on Tuesday 12th at 2:00 pm

Click for Service Dates 2025

If families would like to speak with our Parish Priest, Revd Sherine Angus, or request prayers or a visit to a relative please call 01406 426646. We will always make a particular effort to be available when residents are facing illness or coming towards the end of their life and will offer prayers and anointing if requested.


We take Collective Worship in our church school – William Stukeley Church of England  Primary School twice a month and in Holbeach Primary Academy once a month. We also frequently welcome both schools to visit the church regularly in support of their curriculum.

We also encourage visits by classes from the University Academy of Holbeach (UAH) and they use the church for concerts.

We also aim to visit Small Saints Pre-School once each half term.