
Church Life & News from the All Saints Community


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Ashlings – Parish Magazine Archive

Since the Covid pandemic, we are no longer publishing the Ashlings Magazine, but past editions are available below.

Ashlings Magazine April-May 2020
February – March 2020 Edition
December 2019 – January 2020
October – November 2019 Edition
August – September 2019 Edition
June & July 2019 Edition
April & May 2019 Edition
February & March Edition 2019
December 2018 – January 2019 Edition
November 2018 Edition
October 2018 Edition

August – September 2018 Edition
July 2018 Edition
June 2018 Edition
April – May 2018 Edition
March 2018 Edition
February 2018 Edition

December – January 2018 Edition






Join us on Facebook

Click to follow our Facebook Page  for all the latest news, pictures, prayers and chat.

We welcome your contributions & pictures posted to the Page, for anything related to the Church and our Community. In particular, if you have pictures of Weddings, Christenings or charity events you would like to share, we look forward to seeing them. Anything posted to the Group may take a few hours to appear as it needs to be approved.

The administrators are Revd Sherine Angus & Kevin Dodd, if you have any concerns about our content on Facebook or the Website please email –